Doctors of Chiropractic; Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioners
Dr. Alex Sutherland
I grew up in London, Ontario and knew I would eventually be back working in the community I love! I completed my bachelor of Kinesiology at McMaster University in 3 years then continued on to the world renowned Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. During my 4 years at the college I completed additional courses in Thompson Technique, Peripheral Neural Dynamics and Functional Biomechanical Assessment. I am certified as a Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner through the International Chiropractic Association; this means I am extremely proficient in addressing nutrition, exercise and mental health and pairing it with wonderful benefits of chiropractic.
I believe we are at a crucial turning point when it comes to healthcare. Chronic illnesses and prescription rates are climbing at an exponential rate, as individuals are unfortunately convinced there is something inherently wrong with them, and not their environment or lifestyle habits. It's becoming more and more clear that previous strategies to combating pain, sickness and disease are not only not working, but costing the healthcare system billions of dollars in preventable conditions.
We want to be part of your health team, helping you take control of your health and filter all the misinformation with what is studied and proven to work.
If you choose to come to our office expect a thorough history to identify potential stressors, physical examination to find areas of dysfunction and tailored, individualized treatment plans to get you to where ever you desire to be.

Dr. Scott Sutherland
After 38 great years in practice, Dr. Sutherland continues to study chiropractic and healthy lifestyle disciplines to improve his patients’ response to care.
Along with his son Alex, they have both recently completed Dr. James Chestnut’s programme: ‘Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner'. This programme is evidence-based, supported by peer reviewed articles and studies and represents “best practices”. The axiom of “ Eat well, Move Well, Think Well” is utilized to enhance the already amazing benefits of the chiropractic adjustment!
Dr. Sutherland’s practice focus is on improving the function and mobility of spinal segments to help patients improve their health and their ability to handle and adapt to the stressors of life. His primary adjusting technique is specific, gentle manual adjustments based on motion palpation. By correcting these restricted spinal segments, it allows for the healthy sensory information to be sent to your brain, which is an essential nutrient for brain health!
We always respect your choices and goals, whether it is to help get you out of pain, to keep you out of pain, to improve your health, or to maximize your overall well being!
Dr. Sutherland loves being a chiropractor and would consider it a privilege to be your chiropractor! Welcome to our office!